Sunday, December 16, 2018

Tis the Season...

In school, the time between Thanksgiving and the December Holiday break is always an adventure. Between field trips and special school events, life is quite busy. From a social perspective, the past two Wednesdays have been exciting. Two weeks ago, our field trip to the Dartmouth Womens' Basketball game was a thrilling experience with Dartmouth winning the game and many positive life skills messages from Dartmouth student-athletes. Last Wednesday, we attended Northern Stage's musical production of "Matilda." The show lasted two hours and twenty minutes and the audience was captivated by the performance. Instead of worrying about who might need to go to the restroom, it was a "where did the time go" magical show.

Our fifth graders are have been exploring maps from the 1500s, 1600s, and 1700s together to discover information about the impact of the exploration of North America during those time periods. We are finishing our study of the Chinese explorer, Zheng He, who may have "discovered" the Americas before Columbus, and are about to go on to learn about Viking explorations in North America. In our Scholastic News magazines, students continue to learn about important events in our world.

In Sixth Grade, we are enjoying the finale of our study of ancient Greece and its impact on our modern world by watching a 1997 movie version of "The Odyssey." Sixth graders were excited to share their research and products at our recent "Ancient Greece Exhibition" night. Thank you for your support and the tasty, "mostly" Greek recipes shared that evening. This week, we will begin studying how our Connecticut River Valley was settled by colonial settlers and our Rivendell towns began. Independent current events articles continue and students are reporting out fascinating events taking place globally.

Happy Holidays everyone!