Web. 16 Aug 2010. <http://me.edu.au>.
This blog has been developed as part of my participation in the Virtual High School course, “Best Practices-21st Century Teaching and Learning. It has been my purpose to further develop my own understanding of the benefits of integrating technology as a part of my students learning experiences in school.
My central question has been: How can technology improve student motivation, attitude, and interest in learning? Our students are always excited by the use of technology. It is a normal part of their lives today. The use of technology as a part of our learning experience engages and motives students. It is my belief that it is important to support my students in developing their fundamental skill set as independent learners. This skill set includes learning how to use Internet Technology as a safe and productive tool for learning. Through the ongoing use of this blog as a resource, it will be possible to share a variety of methods / techniques that will demonstrate the value of the integration of technology throughout the curriculum. The ultimate goal is to demonstrate ways in which technology can improve student motivation, attitude, and interest in learning.
“The Essential Questions for the 21st Century Learner are:
How do you know information is true?
How do you communicate effectively?
What does it mean to be a global citizen?
How do I learn best?
How can we be safe?"
During the course of the school year, we will explore each of these questions on an ongoing basis as we work together.
For the 21st Century learner, the use of Internet Technology or “IT” is a fundamental component of life outside of school. In school, we need to evolve our thinking of how IT can be effectively integrated to support student learning, “that the skills of using technology become the habits of students and teachers - that technology is called upon when needed the same way a dictionary or pencil has been in the past. Search techniques or spreadsheet skills, for example, should be learned when they are needed, not only age appropriately, but also context appropriately.”
Web. 16 Aug 2010. <http://web.bsu.edu>.
Our fifth and sixth grade students need to develop the fundamental skills that will allow them to learn effectively and independently. “Every 21st century skills implementation requires the development of core academic subject knowledge and understanding among all students. Those who can think critically and communicate effectively must build on a base of core academic subject knowledge. Within the context of core knowledge instruction, students must also learn the essential skills for success in today’s world, such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication and collaboration. “
During the course of the school year we will use this blog as a point of reference and an integral component of our learning experience. As we explore curricular themes, we will:
1. Develop critical thinking and problem solving strategies.
2. Practice working together cooperatively and collaboratively.
3. Explore the effective and safe use of search engines and digital tools as a part of inquiry and research, including evaluating the credibility of a source.
4. Learn how to independently and collaboratively research a topic and evaluate sources.
5. Reflect on what we learn and what we can do to improve how we learn.
Web. 16 Aug 1010. <http://courses.govhs.org>.
This blog is a work in progress and will evolve as we evaluate its effectiveness. Please feel free to offer feedback and suggestions about how we can improve this tool to enhance student learning.
Works Cited
Prensky, Marc. “Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants”. Nancy Young Visual Literacy Site. 2001. Web. 16 Aug 2010. <http://web.me.com/>.
Partnership For 21st Century Skills. Framework for 21st Century Learning. <http://www.p21.org/>.
Rogow, Faith. Scheibe, Cindy. “12 Basic Ways to Integrate Media Literacy and Critical Thinking into Any Curriculum”, (3rd Ed.). 2010.